Tomorrow… tomorrow…

We don’t go to the movies often. But every once in a while it’s a fun family outing.

logo Annie

Earlier this year we saw Annie in the theatre, a modern version of the Broadway classic. My girls loved it!  I ended up buying the cd so they could enjoy the songs over and over again (and again and again and again….).

Last week I received a phone call from a friend. Her daughter really wanted a “Annie-themed” birthday party but a red dress with a bow was nowhere to be found. She had the perfect fabric in her hands…

Off course I said yes. But I must say I hesitated a little. That polysatin fabric is not the easiest fabric to say the least and drawing my own patterns is a skill I have not mastered yet.

The scallops in the bodice made me think of this book. I started out with the bodice of Whiskers, added some scallops to the neckline and mixed it with the bodice of Burda 9545. The skirt is made of two gathered rectangles using the whole width of the fabric. I didn’t have the time to make a muslin first so the scallops are far from picture perfect. I added some fusible batting to the oversized bow to give it more body. For the back I chose a split that closes with a heart shaped button. Two ballet tutu’s underneath the skirt, gave it some more poof.

Annie by Miestaflet

There you go Annie! Happy Birthday!

Annie by Miestaflet

Een Annie jurk zoals in de film, dat was de creatieve uitdaging van vorige week. Ik zeg “uitdaging”, want van die gladde polyester stof, daar krijg ik de kriebels van. En zo’n jurk namaken, dat is toch ook even spannend. Maar toen haar mama deze foto’s doorstuurde, moest ik toch lachen. Annie-mission volbracht!

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